Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Spirit Week @ CHS

Frosh Science students calculate the
speed of cars going by on Wayne St.
We have many great things going on at CHS... in and out of the classroom!  Among other things in the last couple of weeks, we have seen students calculating the speed of cars coming down Wayne Street using only a stopwatch, playing miniature golf with robots, evaluating the range of motion and strength of newly learned muscles of the ankle and lower leg, learning the difference between disc and cylinder brakes (hope I got that right Mr. Dorsten!), and making commercials.  These are just a few of the things our students are doing in the classroom... the ones I have observed!

What are we doing outside of the classroom?

Well, this week, nearly EVERYONE'S attention is on the big rivalry week.  The week of the St. Marys football game is traditionally Spirit Week at CHS... what does this mean?

Batman & Robin on
Superhero Day... Do you know
Themed dress days... tailgate parties (2 of them)... Spirit Bus to the Big Game... lots of excitement... pep assembly... band marching the halls... Spirit Freak Contest...


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