Thursday, September 30, 2010

Homecoming Assembly a Hit

The CHS 2010 Fall Homecoming assembly was held on Wednesday.  The 10 King & Queen candidates played games, performed dances, and participated in other fun activities relating to this year's theme: Grease Lightning in front of the student body, hoping to earn their vote.  The clip below shows highlights from each couple.  

The King & Queen will be announced this Friday before the football game.  The dance will be held Saturday night from 8 - 11 PM in the gymnasium. 

Friday, September 24, 2010


Celina stands alone atop the WBL after winning tonight against Van Wert 50-30.   Thanks to a loss by OG to Wapak, the dogs are in 1st place in the WBL. 
Thanks to the fans for your continued support of your dogs!
School spirit is certainly at an all time high!


BPA Trophy Finds a New Home

Daniell & Tyla placed the Business Professionals of America (BPA) Trophy in the new case earlier this week. The trophy was won by BPA in 2007 was proudly presented to CHS by Mrs. Ray and the Tri Star Business Managment Class.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Goodwill Drive To Victory

Goodwill Stores of Miami Valley is announcing the "Drive to Victory" competition between Van Wert Schools and Celina Schools this week 9/20-9/24.  Goodwill will have a collection truck in the parking lot just west of East Elementary.  At this site a Goodwill representative will be collecting items such as clothing, housewares, computers, and even used vehicles.

All items will go to individuals and families in need in the Celina community.  The attendant will be on site collecting the items from Monday afternoon through Friday morning.  The school with the most overall weight will be the Champion and will be awarded a $ 500 scholarship to the general scholarship fund from Mid-USA Credit Union.

Do your part and help someone in need in our community and help us beat Van Wert!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Celina Wins 26 - 25 in OT

For the 1st time in a decade, Celina's football team is victorious over St. Marys.  

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Spirit Week @ CHS

Frosh Science students calculate the
speed of cars going by on Wayne St.
We have many great things going on at CHS... in and out of the classroom!  Among other things in the last couple of weeks, we have seen students calculating the speed of cars coming down Wayne Street using only a stopwatch, playing miniature golf with robots, evaluating the range of motion and strength of newly learned muscles of the ankle and lower leg, learning the difference between disc and cylinder brakes (hope I got that right Mr. Dorsten!), and making commercials.  These are just a few of the things our students are doing in the classroom... the ones I have observed!

What are we doing outside of the classroom?

Well, this week, nearly EVERYONE'S attention is on the big rivalry week.  The week of the St. Marys football game is traditionally Spirit Week at CHS... what does this mean?

Batman & Robin on
Superhero Day... Do you know
Themed dress days... tailgate parties (2 of them)... Spirit Bus to the Big Game... lots of excitement... pep assembly... band marching the halls... Spirit Freak Contest...


Friday, September 10, 2010


Congrats to the Bulldog football team & Coach Rolfes on a BIG win over Wapak tonight 22-13.  Check out these pics of the students getting ready to rush the field and then RING THE VICTORY BELL!!!

Robots, AAA, & More

Golfing Robots
This week has once again been filled with a number of fun and interesting activities for students.  On Tuesday, Mr. Jenkins' Geometry class used robots to play Putt-Putt Golf.  Students had to use their knowledge of angles, segments, and geometry in general to program robots, using graphing calculators, to complete a Putt-Putt course (see pictures below).

Free AAA Maintenance Checks
On Thursday, AAA provided free Maintenance Checks for student vehicles.  50 student drivers took advantage of this free opportunity and were rewarded with a free hot dog lunch from 2 Willy's.  Five students were awarded a free AAA one-year membership:

AAA & 2 Wily's representatives pose
under the AAA tent on Thursday.  

  1. LeeAnn Ouk
  2. Josie Klosterman
  3. Bryan Robbins
  4. John Townsend
  5. Hillary Lowder
A picture of the winners will be posted soon!
    Thanks to AAA & 2 Willy's for sponsoring this program!

    Students Make Commercials
    On Thursday and Friday, students in the new class "Successful Speaking" presented their commercials to the class.  The commercials were recorded and will be played back during class for peer critique!  Stay tuned for one of the commercials to be posted on the blog!

    On Friday, the CHS Marching Band continued with a new tradition: Marching the halls, playing the fight song during 1st period on Friday home games.  Students & staff enjoy this opportunity to get pumped up & excited for the game!  The 2nd floor classes lined the hallways to cheer on the band!

    Also, the Spirit Squad awarded the 1st Spirit Award to a student randomly drawn from those nominated by their 1st period teacher.  Congratulations to Cierra Pontious on winning this award!  GO DOGS!

    Wednesday, September 1, 2010

    1st Week in Pictures

    Registration gets it started!
    The Freshmen Class enjoy a
    free lunch at Freshmen Orientation
    Meet the football players, cheerleaders, & band
    The Marching Band plays
    fight song as they march the
    halls of CHS!
    Girls Soccer beats up on Coldwater!