Saturday, October 29, 2011

Hannah Fleck Runs to State

Hannah Fleck will be competing in her 2nd consecutive State Cross Country meet next Saturday after finishing 3rd in the Regional meet on Saturday.

Congrats to the Cross Country teams on a great season!


District Champions

The Girls Volleyball team earned a district championship title tonight in a 3-set sweep of WBL foe Wapakoneta.  The girls advance to regional competition Thursday night in Ontario @ 6 PM.

Pre-sale tickets will be sold in the high school athletic office on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10:45 - 2:45.  Pre-sale tickets are $6.  All tickets at the door are $8.  Celina will get a portion of all pre-sale tickets.

Friday, October 21, 2011

2011 Homecoming King & Queen

The CHS Homecoming King & Queen
Jeremy Walls & Kiernon Koontz

CONGRATULATIONS to all candidates...  check out pictures from Friday & Saturday night below:

Week in 3 Words 10.21.11

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Monday, October 10, 2011

Announcements 10.10.11

Junior Class Parents

The 2010 - 2011 After Prom Committee would like to invite all Junior Class Parents to a brief meeting regarding the 2011 - 2012 Committee. The After-Prom is a parent-hosted event to provide our Junior and Senior students with a safe environment and to continue the fun after the prom has concluded. The Junior class organizes the prom and the parents of the Junior class organize and host the After-Prom.

Where: Celina High School Lecture Hall
Date: Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Time: 6:00pm

If you have any questions before the meeting, please feel free to contact Evan Martinez @ 419-581-1029.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Netbook Distribution

Just over 200 Freshmen received a school-owned netbook today.  The freshmen class was buzzing with excitement!  Stay tuned for more updates.  Here are some pictures from today's distribution assembly.

Bulldogs Next Week

Linked here is a schedule from the CHS Athletic Department titled Bulldogs Next Week. We will link these on the blog each week, making it easier to find the athletic schedule.

Bulldogs Next Week

Announcements 10.6.11

One Giant Leap for CHS...

Today, all high school freshmen will receive a school-owned netbook through our Freshmen 1:1 Netbook Initiative.  As a principal, this is the most exciting educational event I have experienced.  It is our hope, goal, and vision that these netbooks won’t just become a glorified note-taking device, but instead that they will become a revolutionary educational and learning tool – something that has the potential to make learning more meaningful, relevant, and fun for our students.  This freshmen class will pass through our doors for the final time in the spring of 2015, entering a world that expects more of them than ever before.  We want to be sure they are prepared!

We will keep you posted on our progress with the 1:1 initiative as we proceed.  

Should parents have questions about the netbook program, please feel free to call the high school, or post the question below and we will post a response.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Announcements 10.3.11

Girl's Tennis Takes WBL Championship

For the 3rd year in a row, the Celina Net Dogs took the WBL Championship title.  Celina was undefeated during the regular season in WBL play and headed into the tournament with a distinct advantage.

Individual Results are as follows:
1st Singles: Samantha Manci, 2nd place
2nd Singles: Brianna Beougher, 1st place
3rd Singles: Emily Zender, 2nd place
1st Doubles: Audra Manci & Kaitlynn Kerr, 1st place
2nd Doubles: Allison Laux & Miranda Werling, 1st place

CONGRATULATION to the Lady Net Dogs on a great season.  Good luck in the sectional tournament this weekend!

Announcements 9.30.11