This is the 1st post in a series I intend to make featuring teacher blogs in our school. Teaching 21st Century Skills has become a primary focus for CHS and communicating with students, parents, and the community is a vital component in that process.
Several staff members have started 'blogging' (see my blog roll in the left sidebar). Different teachers have different reasons for blogging... some use it to solicit feedback and writing samples from students, others use it to display student work, and still others post assignments and notes. Here is one post from one of our new English teachers, Mrs. Wenning (formerly Ms. Moorman), fittingly titled 'Snow Daze' on this snow day! Her blog is named 'Project 206'.
Snow Daze"I'm looking out my classroom window right now and see the snow falling. It makes me wonder, what you would or did do on a snow day?
First, I would jump for joy at having a day off of school and an extra day to do the work that I "forgot" to do the night before. Then, I would proceed to wake up my brothers and let them know that we had a day off of school and that we should build a snow man and have a snowball fight. Most of the time they went along with me. However, I needed to learn that snowball fights were a bad idea...since I was always covered in bruises afterwards. The building of the snowman was the best, though. We always used a carrot for a nose, fly swatters for hands, and my winter hat (if it was a girl) or my brother's (if it was a boy) and our mom's scarf.
Yeah, those were the good days because now my brothers don't get snow days with me, but at least I can sit at home with a nice cup of hot chocolate and watch my favorite holiday movies. Now, if only today we had one...
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